Welcome to the Commission Page! Here you will find information on how to request a commission and how many I am currently accepting.

How to request a commission

    There will be a Google form at the bottom of the page to input your requests. Once I recieve your request I will follow up with you with an email. Requests will be accepted on a first come first serve basis as slots open up. You can see the available slots at the bottom of the page.

Request No-No's

    I will not take requests involving NSFW, detailed mecha, gratuitous gore, or anything else I deem to be uncomfortable or innapropriate as it comes up.

Request Yes-Yes'

    I will draw furries/anthros, OCs, ship art/self-shipping, silly stuff, and spooky stuff among other things ^^!

    All commissions are for non-commercial use only. They cannot be used as NFT's or for AI training. By requesting a commission you agree to these terms.

Price Guide (USD)

    *If you request it in a simple/chibi style subtract $5

    Half Body no color: $20

    Half Body color: $30

    Full Body no color: $35

    Full Body color: $45

    Add another character no color: +$15

    Add another character color: +$20

    Prices subject to change as I figure things out.

    These are also just examples, If you have a request that doesn't fit in these categories you will still be able to make the request. If you have any questions feel free to email me at wizmezar@gmail.com.

Commission Slots Currently Available: 2

Here is the link to the google form. Thank you for stopping by :)!